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Recreation & Tourism

Tourism and Recreation are big in the Municipality of Grassland. You can always expect a warm greeting and a smile when visiting any of the communities within the Municipality. Not only are the communities welcoming to all visitors, you can always find something to keep you busy during your stay! From golfing, to swimming on a sweltering day, to having a great evening at one of the many Community Halls on those special event days, there is always an activity!  
Whether you're staying for a short time or a long time, the Municipality of Grassland offers so much, it will be worth your while. 
The Municipality of Grassland is host to many activities year round for all ages. 
Grassland Recreation
Box 399
Hartney, MB
R0M 0X0
Recreation and Facilities Coodrinator - Kayla Gilliard
Office:  (204) 858-2536
                                                                                                                                                             This photo was entered into the Grassland Photo Contest 2020                                                                                                                                                                               Photographed by: Josiah Waldner


For more information, please contact our Recreation Office.

Facebook: Grassland Recreation

Instagram: @grasslandrecreation

Payments for all Programs and Events may be etransferred to, or paid for via cash, cheque, or debit at the Municipal Office.